Thursday, January 7, 2010

the baking bee has bit me

Well, I needed to bake... it is almost like an addiction.  A good addiction and thank goodness I have many friends and family that are willing to eat my baking.  Otherwise... ugh that thought scares me.

So I baked tonight, cookies and not just one kind but two - because we all know that two cookies are better than one! On the cookie menu tonight there are Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies from this fantastic Martha Stewart Cookie book and also from the same cookie book just a few pages down I made Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies.

Tonight was a wonderful night to bake as I had some of the very best kitchen help any cook or baker could want.  Mom is her name. She runs the Baking/Cooking 101 hotline that is oh-so-valuable especially when I am up to my elbows in bread dough and something is just not quite right.  Tonight she washed and wiped and washed some more.  You have to understand that I have a small kitchen with very limited counter space so dirty dishes do not have any space to pile up.  And of course my dishwasher is... well... very human.  Usually it is either my wonderful husband (who stays up to wash my baking dishes after I go to sleep) or in tonight's case it was Mom.  I do wash some dishes, but I find that it is so much more fun to make the dirty dishes than it is to clean them.

It is now time to pack away my little goodies and get ready for tomorrow.  I hope there is not too much disappointment in the lack of pictures tonight, but it is late and I will have more time tomorrow to post them!

Good night - I am off to dream of all things sweet.


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